Medical Translations
The specifics of medical texts demands absolute precision when translating, which is why in our company, such translations are carried out by professional doctors and pharmacologists because medical translation requires specialist skills.
Guaranteed quality of medical translations
Our specialists have extensive experience in the translation of documentation concerning pharmacological agents (clinical protocols and preclinical research, bioequivalence testing, validation, etc.), scientific literature concerning surgery, neurology, therapeutics, cardiology, immunology, anaesthesiology, maxillofacial surgery and other branches of medicine, as well as concerning theoretical (histology, biochemistry, anatomy, etc.) and chemical (medication testing, methods of chemical analysis of medicinal products and others.) disciplines.
Furthermore, our translators have gained significant experience in translating clinical documentation (medical history, discharge reports, protocols and descriptions of laboratory and instrumental investigations).
Corporate Services
We would be very pleased to offer special cooperation conditions for corporate clients.
Find out more about our corporate services.